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Hatewatch Headlines 3/10/15

New York Times: Oklahoma SAE fraternity disbanded after video showing racist chant goes viral.

Think Progress: SAE proudly touts its historical association with the Confederacy on its website.

Clarion Ledger (Jackson, MI): Mississippi sheriff’s deputy fired after allegedly saying ‘I get paid to beat up n------.’

Raw Story: Top Kansas Democrat calls on Kris Kobach, ‘the most racist politician in America today,’ to step down.

The New Civil Rights Movement: Oklahoma legislator doubles down on assertion that gays have no right to expect to be served.

Crooks and Liars: Ferguson sergeant fired for racist email was Darren Wilson’s supervisor.

Towleroad: Islamophobic Texas lawmaker files anti-LGBT bill hoping to block future same-sex marriages.

Right Wing Watch: Alabama justice Roy Moore warns that court ruling on gay marriage could pave way for government to ‘take your children.’

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