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Hatewatch Headlines 3-16-15

Think Progress: Response to racist video incident at Oklahoma underscores how athletics shapes perceptions of race on campuses.

Salon: How the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to widen America’s racial wealth gap.

Talking Points Memo: University of Maryland officials investigate racist, misogynist email sent out by fraternity member.

New York Daily News: Man slashed across throat in apparent Queens hate crime as attacker yelled anti-white slurs.

Right Wing Watch: AFA’s Bryan Fischer warns that people speaking languages other than English is a sign of God’s judgment.

AlterNet: Why white people freak out when they’re called out about race.

Raw Story: Michigan pastor tells congregation that being gay is an ‘abomination’ similar to being an ‘ax murderer.’

Media Matters: Syndicated radio host Michael Berry claims that white people don’t kill people the way black people do.

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