• Hatewatch

Aryan Nations Offshoot Planning ‘Christmas with the Klan’ Fundraiser

Bill Morlin

A faction of what remains of the Aryan Nations is planning a triple cross burning later this month in Mississippi to raise money for a former Aryan Nations member who joined the white nationalist paramilitary group The Order.

The event, dubbed “Christmas with the Klan” and scheduled at an undisclosed location near Holly Springs, Miss., is being organized by Shaun Patrick Winkler, who calls himself an “Imperial Wizard” with the Aryan Nations Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Gary Yarbrough.

Winkler, a protégé of Aryan Nations founder Richard G. Butler, lists a post office address in Potts Camp, Miss., not far from where “all pro-white groups” are invited for the event the weekend of Dec. 27.

And what’s in store for such a perverse gala? Winkler promises “free gifts for all children,” and “no alcohol, drugs or drama allowed.” All proceeds are slated to the Gary Yarbrough Legal Fund.

Yarbrough was a member of The Order, a white nationalist revolutionary organization founded by Robert J. Mathews in late September 1983. The group was set on fomenting a race war and a revolution against the U.S. government, which it believed to be controlled by a secret Jewish cabal.

The legal fund is raising money to the challenge the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for rescinding Yarbrough’s parole after he allegedly posted to various racist online forums, including Stormfront.

Other members of The Order who are still in prison are: Randolph George “Randy” Duey, 63, scheduled to be released in 2047; Richard J. Scutari, 67, scheduled for release in 2025; and David C. Tate, 52, who is serving a life sentence without parole