State Support

Regional Focus, National Impact

The Southern Poverty Law Center began in 1971 in a small office in Montgomery, Alabama. Today, we work across the Deep South, focusing on a region where victories for social justice can lead to transformational change throughout the country. 

Beyond our headquarters in Montgomery, we now have state offices in Atlanta, Georgia; New Orleans, Louisiana; Jackson, Mississippi; and Miami, Florida. This network of offices enables the SPLC to create people-centered programmatic work, while also developing broader strategies to tackle systemic challenges from a regional perspective. Additionally, our office in Washington, D.C. advocates on behalf of our communities at the highest level of government, where legislators have the power to implement long-term, comprehensive solutions. 

By transforming the Deep South, we can lead the way for the rest of the country. Join us in this pursuit. 

State Offices

Embracing the power of the word “Southern” in our name, our state offices are connective points to the communities we serve.

a teacher is pointing to a map of Alabama in front of a classroom

Alabama State Office

Examine how our team engages local grassroots organizations that can mobilize communities to the ballot box and build political power. 

Florida State Office

Learn more about our team’s efforts to protect the rights of vulnerable communities throughout the state. 

Two kids play basketball in front of a mural of Zoral Neale Hurston.
Four women have a conversation. One of them is holding pamphlets.

Georgia State Office

Explore how our team advances racial justice and addresses economic inequality by building strong partnerships at the local level.

Louisiana State Office

Discover how our team advocates for strong leaders that can help push for programs and policies that meet the needs of our communities. 

Six people hold up a sign that says "Geaux Vote"
a woman stands at a podium in front of a sign that says "SPLC"

Mississippi State Office

Read about how our team builds strong community partnerships to create lasting change for Mississippians.