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Pierce was the movement's fiercest anti-Semitic ideologue and he built the Alliance into a money-making machine through its hate music business, Resistance Records. Pierce was also the author of the race war novel The Turner Diaries. The book has been called "the bible of the racist right," is...
In His Own Words "Jewish influence — in the media, business, high finance, and government — has also created a domestic policy that has weakened the racial integrity of White Britain and White America through unchecked non-white immigration — not just through Mexico, but also through our airports...
A non-sectarian hater, Roper has worked, albeit with little success, to unify hate groups of many kinds. In his own words "Every non-White on the planet has to become extinct. We need to remove these minor-league amateur races out of the game, and refine the playoff brackets a bit, if you get my...
In His Own Words "Both psychologically and materially Whites in modern times are called upon to bear the burdens of guilt and monetary reparation for Black slavery. This position is based entirely on enforced ignorance and the deliberate suppression of the record of White slavery in North America...
Walker was appointed to head the group after then-leader Erich Gliebe — who was himself appointed to head the organization immediately after the 2002 death of founder William Pierce — resigned in the midst of continuing infighting and internal scandals. Walker's stint as the group's leader was cut...