Incidents of apparent hate crimes and hate group activities listed here are drawn primarily from media sources.
These incidents include only a fraction of the approximately 260,000 reported and unreported hate crimes that a 2013 government study estimated occur annually.
A swastika and two pentagrams were painted on a bus belonging to a synagogue.
Reported January 14, 2012
Temecula, California
A bench with a pentagram scrawled on it was tossed into a fountain outside a Catholic church and then a charred Bible was left outside the church's main doors.
Reported October 31, 2011
Milpitas, California
Pentagrams and vulgarities were spray-painted on a Lutheran church.
Reported March 09, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Pentagrams and anti-religious messages were spray-painted on Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Reported April 18, 2008
Moorpark, California
Pentagrams, upside-down crosses and the words "Hail Satan" were spray-painted on a church.
Reported January 27, 2008
San Luis Obispo, California
The numbers "666" and a satanic pentagram were scrawled in a church where pews were also vandalized.
Reported August 06, 2007
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
White supremacist slogans, obscenities, swastikas, a pentagram, an anarchist symbol and insults about skateboarders were spray-painted on the walls of a skateboard park.
Reported October 09, 2004
Lancaster, California
A swastika and a pentagram were carved into a car.