Hate in the White House – 2017

President Trump has opened the White House doors to extremism, not only consulting with hate groups on policies that erode our country’s civil rights protections but enabling the infiltration of extremist ideas into the administration’s rhetoric and agenda.

Once relegated to the fringes, the radical right now has a toehold in the White House.

Here are the incidents we tracked in 2017 that illustrate the hate and extremism permeating the Trump administration. 

We began Hate in the White House in October 2017.

October 2017

16 incidents of hate and extremism
Two incidents involving the administration and a hate group

Read a past Hate in the White House

November 2017

24 incidents of hate and extremism
Four incidents involving the administration and a hate group

Read a past Hate in the White House

December 2017

20 incidents of hate and extremism
Two incidents involving the administration and a hate group

Read a past Hate in the White House