The following is a timeline of instances of extremism in the Trump administration in September 2018.
President Trump has opened the White House doors to extremism, not only consulting with hate groups on policies that erode our country’s civil rights protections but enabling the infiltration of extremist ideas into the administration’s rhetoric and agenda.
Once relegated to the fringes, the radical right now has a toehold in the White House.
Groups and individuals referenced in the list below are not associated with hate groups and extremist ideology unless indicated by a hate group profile.
White Nationalist
Sep 3
Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon tells Australian press that he intends to promote his “populist revolution” in their country.
Hate Group
Sep 4
Brigitte Gabriel, founder of anti-Muslim hate group ACT for America, brags about “standing meeting at the White House once a week” and “a president that likes us, President Trump.”
Hate Group
Sep 5
Former ICE Director Thomas Homan delivers keynote remarks at hate group ACT for America’s annual conference.
Hate Group
Sep 5
Anti-immigrant hate group Federation for American Immigration Reform sponsors sheriffs’ visit to the White House.
Sep 5
Trump administration discovered to have rejected intelligence report last year showing refugees are not a significant security threat to the U.S.
Hate Group
Sep 6
Acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello attends annual media event sponsored by hate group Federation for American Immigration Reform.
Sep 6
Trump administration takes first official step toward withdrawing from Flores agreement limiting the government’s ability to hold children in immigration jails.
Sep 10
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announces plans to increase the number of immigration judges by 50% by the end of the year.
Sep 12
As then-Hurricane Florence bore down on East Coast, news breaks that Trump administration funneled $200 million from FEMA and other DHS agencies to ICE.
Sep 12
Eric Trump says Bob Woodward wrote his book for “three extra shekels.”
Sep 17
President Trump plans to cap the number of refugees who can be resettled in the U.S. next year at 30,000, just 14% of the 210,00 refugees admitted at the peak in 1980.
Sep 17
Email released showing that Kris Kobach, then-vice chair of Trump’s defunct Election Integrity Commission, urged Wilbur Ross to add citizenship question to Census “at the direction of Steve Bannon.”
Sep 19
President Trump tells Spain to “build the wall” across the Sahara.
Sep 19
HHS diverts $226 million from HIV/AIDS and cancer programs to pay to house record 13,312 detained immigrant children in federal custody.
Sep 19
Attorney General Jeff Sessions limits immigration judges’ ability to terminate deportation cases.
Sep 20
After HHS and ICE sign memorandum of agreement, ICE arrests 41 people who came forward to sponsor immigrant children.
Hate Group
Sep 21
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at annual “Values Voter Summit” hosted by hate group Family Research Council.
Hate Group
Sep 22
Vice President Mike Pence speaks at annual “Values Voter Summit” hosted by hate group Family Research Council.
Sep 22
Trump administration proposes making legal immigrants who access public services ineligible for green cards.
Sep 25
Memo signed by DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen that would have effect of separating immigrant families is made public, contradicting her claims that the Trump administration “did not create a policy of separating families at the border.”
Sep 26
CFPB official responsible for enforcing laws against financial discrimination is discovered to have questioned whether using the n-word was inherently racist and claimed most hate crimes were hoaxes.
Sep 27
Trump administration’s Supreme Court nominee becomes hero to male supremacists who call themselves “involuntary celibates” or “incels”
Sep 29
State Department rescinds exception that had permitted unmarried same-sex domestic partners of U.N. employees to apply for visas
Sep 30
DHS ships more than 1,300 migrant children to tents in the desert where they have no schooling and little access to legal aid.