View the signers of the 'defensive action statement,' a proclamation that violence is justifiable in the extremists' fight to end abortion.
The Intelligence Report is the nation's preeminent periodical monitoring the radical right in the U.S.
The Intelligence Report is the Southern Poverty Law Center's award-winning magazine. The biannual publication provides comprehensive updates to law enforcement agencies, the media and the general public. Subscribe here.
View the signers of the 'defensive action statement,' a proclamation that violence is justifiable in the extremists' fight to end abortion.
Learn who's behind the far-right broadcasts creating an alternative, extremist media.
Felecia Sanderson, wife of murdered police officer Robert 'Sande' Sanderson, discusses how her life has changed after her husband's death in the Birmingham clinic bombing.
The judgment against neo-Nazi William Pierce for his part in helping the COTC evade payment for the death of Harold Mansfield stands.
Three men face possible terms of life in prison after being arrested for allegedly planning to assassinate President Clinton and other government officials using a cactus thorn coated with a deadly toxin.
A search continues for three antigovernment extremists who allegedly murdered a police officer in Colorado.
Four members of the Montana Freemen, including leader LeRoy Schweitzer, were found guilty of the main charges in a federal conspiracy and bank fraud case.
White supremacist Chevie Kehoe allegedly murdered a member of his gang who he believed would inform on him, an indictment says.
Well-known 'Patriot' Mark Koernke attempts to evade a police helicopter that was not looking for him, jumps into a lake, and is arrested for failure to appear to face felony assault charges.
Wallace Scott Weicherding becomes the sixth man in a plot to blow up the Center and assassinate co-founder Morris Dees to face trial.
Subscriptions to the Intel Report are free to law enforcement, journalists, and others.