Montgomery, Ala. — Reporting by NBC News on Wednesday found that 14 organizations designated as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) or the Anti-Defamation League have received funding from the Paycheck Protection Program totaling $4.3 million, according to data released last week by the Small Business Administration.
In response to this report, Cassie Miller, senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center, offered the following statement:
“It is simply unconscionable that the federal government would give taxpayer dollars to organizations that openly advocate against LGBTQ people and immigrants, and those connected to white supremacy. This administration is putting its rubber stamp on the vile ideologies these groups espouse by giving them forgivable federal loans.
“At a time when millions of people in the U.S. are hurting because of the pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis, our federal government should not be sponsoring taxpayer-paid hate. These far-right actors have exploited people’s fears and grievances to promote their ideologies.
“SPLC has long fought to eliminate white nationalism, to expand inclusive anti-discrimination protections, and to reinvigorate our values as a diverse, welcoming, and compassionate nation. We will not stand idly by as these hate groups try to take our money to help spew their hate. Every American of good conscience should be outraged.”
14 accused hate groups that received PPP funds:
American Family Association
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Liberty Counsel
Center for Immigration Studies
Church Militant/St. Michael’s Media
Center for Security Policy
David Horowitz Freedom Center
Pacific Justice Institute
Clarion Project
Center for Family and Human Rights
American Renaissance/New Century Foundation
Ruth Institute
American College of Pediatricians
The Remembrance Project