The following is a statement from Mary Bauer, Deputy Legal Director of the Southern Poverty Law Center:
“Recently, there have been a number of incredibly alarming incidents where our partners at Al Otro Lado (AOL), a binational legal services organization that serves refugees and other migrants in Tijuana and California, have been targeted by both federal agents and Mexican government agents. We are concerned this harassment and targeting is the result of AOL’s provision of desperately-needed humanitarian and legal assistance to thousands of stranded migrants in Mexico, as well as their critical role in filing federal lawsuits challenging the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
Today we have confirmation that our government is tracking, harassing and targeting our own citizens. This is a clear violation of their First Amendment Rights. It is outrageous and must not be tolerated. All Americans should be concerned about this infringement on our rights and attack on our Constitution.
We urge members of Congress to promptly investigate these activities by the Administration and federal agencies.”