ATLANTA, Ga. — Today SPLC Action Fund President and CEO Margaret Huang sent a letter to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp asking him to veto three pieces of legislation that have passed the state House and Senate.
“We write to urge you to veto three harmful bills that passed out of the Georgia General Assembly last week and to reject the budget approved by the legislature until it includes greater revenue expansion to offset the lost tax receipts facing the State of Georgia,” Huang wrote.
The legislation SPLC Action Fund is asking Gov. Kemp to veto are:
- Senate Bill 402, an unconstitutional attack on judges’ discretion to permit pre-trial release using signature bonds;
- House Bill 838, which handcuffs police departments and sheriff’s offices that seek to discipline officers accused of misconduct, and;
- Senate Bill 359, which gives employers and service providers extra protections if they ignore safety guidelines and act irresponsibly.
A copy of Huang’s letter to Governor Kemp can be read here.