ATLANTA, Ga – Southern Poverty Law Center Deputy Legal Director May Bauer, who oversees the Immigrant Justice Project, issued the below statement following news reports that President Trump has ordered ICE to conduct raids in a number of major cities across the country this weekend:
“Raids by ICE to detain and deport families will do absolutely nothing to address the very real immigration policy issues we face as a nation. Instead it will only terrorize and tear apart families and communities and drive others further into the shadows. Our attorneys and advocates will be monitoring the situation closely and ready to respond in any way we can to assist those who will suffer as a result.
“As Congress prepares to vote on additional funding for these agencies, they must acknowledge that they are funding and permitting these policies to take place. Additional monies will only provide more funding for this administration’s policies; policies that intentionally seek to tear apart families. No more money should be allocated to an agency that contends that traumatized young children who have been ripped from their parents’ arms are not worthy of the most basic care.”