ATLANTA – The following statement is from Poy Winichakul, staff attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center:
“As we patiently await results in races up and down the ballot in Georgia, we’re urging voters who submitted ballots absentee to make sure those ballots were counted by heading to No matter what the outcome of elections this year, we want the voices of everyone who sent in a ballot to be heard in our democratic process.
“Voters that requested an absentee ballot – and mailed it back to the Secretary of State’s office OR voted by drop box – can go to to determine the status of that ballot.
“If a voter’s absentee ballot from November 3rd was rejected, they have the right by Georgia state law to contact their county registrar and ‘cure’ it by Friday at 5PM, in order to make it count. Documentation may need to be provided to the registrar.
“If voters need help contacting their county registrar or compiling any required documents, they can call 866-OUR-VOTE.
“Again, no matter what media projections are made in races before Friday evening, voters have until then to ensure their ballots are included and counted in the final results.”