MONTGOMERY, Ala. — On Tuesday, April 11 at 1:30 p.m. CST, the Central Alabama Fair Housing Center (CAFHC) will host a virtual event celebrating Fair Housing Month. In recognition of the 55th anniversary of the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA), the webinar will examine how lending discrimination has changed since the passage of the FFHA and look at all of the ways to combat this illegal practice.
“Fair Housing Month is a time of reflection, allowing us to look back at all of the progress we have made toward equality over the last 55 years while shining a light on all of the work we have left to do,” says Kimberly Hobbs, executive director of the CAFHC. “Discrimination in housing is still a very real problem and is happening in new and nefarious ways. Our distinguished panel of speakers will explain their advocacy on a national, regional, and local level to work toward housing and lending equity.”
“As a native, I’ve seen and experienced housing discrimination firsthand, and that was before multiple tornadoes devastated parts of rural Alabama earlier this year,” says Tafeni English-Relf, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Alabama State Office. “This webinar continues a conversation we need to keep at the forefront and asks the questions that will help us get closer to fair housing for all Alabamians.”
Featured speakers include:
- Cashauna Hill is the executive director/attorney for the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center
- Morgan Williams is general counsel for the National Fair Housing Alliance
- Harris Baker is a loan officer with the Guild Mortgage
WHAT: Webinar celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Federal Fair Housing Act
WHEN: Tuesday, April 11 at 1:30 p.m. CST
WHERE: Via Zoom; click here to register