• Dismantling White Supremacy

M.C. v. Aaronson

Date Filed:
May 14, 2013

“This was a medical malpractice case related to the informed consent for a surgery performed on the Crawford’s adopted child (known as M.C.) at MUSC in April 2006. M.C. was born with ambiguous genitalia and diagnosed with a rare intersex condition called Ovotesticular DSD. The medical surrogates for M.C. sought treatment with a Pediatric Endocrinologist in Greenville, SC, who referred them to physicians at the Medical University of South Carolina for a “second opinion and corrective surgery.” Ultimately, after consultation between M.C.’s biological mother, M.C.’s medical surrogates, including the South Carolina Department of Social Services, and M.C.’s physicians, it was determined that M.C. would undergo surgery at MUSC on April 18, 2006. M.C.’s biological mother signed a consent form for the surgery. In addition, a South Carolina Family Judge issued a Court Order addressing the surgery following a hearing on April 12, 2006.

M.C.’s adoptive parents, (who adopted M.C. seven months after the surgery and were not involved with M.C. at the time of the surgery) later filed this action alleging there was inadequate informed consent for the surgery and alleging that the South Carolina Department of Social Services was grossly negligent in facilitating the recommended surgery. After four years of litigation (including a lengthy discovery process), the Parties agreed that it was mutually beneficial to amicably resolve this case. This case has been resolved and dismissed with no admission of liability or wrongdoing on the part of the Medical University of South Carolina, South Carolina Department of Social Services, or any of the physicians and/or employees.”