Frazier Glenn Miller

Ku Klux Klan
Springfield, Mo.
Frazier Glenn Miller.

In this article

Frazier Glenn Miller, who created and led the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party in the 1980s but ended up testifying against his comrades, is a crude, sieg-heiling anti-Semite who was sentenced to death for the 2014 murder of three people he mistakenly thought were Jewish.

In His Own Words:

“White men have become the biggest cowards ever to walk the earth. The world has never witnessed such yellow cowards. We’ve sat back and allowed the Jews to take over our government, our banks, and our media. We’ve allowed tens of millions of mud people to invade our country, steal our jobs and our women, and destroy our children’s futures. America is no longer ours. America belongs to the Jews who rule it and to the mud people who multiply in it.”
–Radio ad in U.S. Senate campaign, 2010

“Today, true statistics be told, we’re less than half. And we’re dropping fast, while the dark peoples multiply like rats all around us, and as more tens-of-millions of them invade our country from all over the world. Our race is drowning literally in seas of colored mongrels. Our people buy almost twice as many caskets as cradles. Your race is dying before your eyes.”
–“Attention White Youth!” Miller’s website, March 12, 2010

“That’s a sad commentary for our politicians in Washington. They’re all a bunch of w—– for Israel. They’re all corrupted to the core. And they are traitors to America.”
– Interview with Howard Stern, April 6, 2010

“Our forefathers were absolutely right to be racists and to discriminate in favor of themselves. That racism and discrimination insured racial security, prosperity, and racial survival and procreation. ZOG [acronym for Zionist Occupation Government] and the Jews-media tricked us and shamed us out of our racism shame that has weakened us and divided us as a people, therefore cowards, unwilling to resist Jewish enslavement and genocide.”
–“Cowardice is the White Man’s Survival Strategy!” Miller’s website

“Everything that’s killing us was brought about by Jews. Legalization of abortion has already killed, what, 40 million white babies in the United States.”
–Interview with the SPLC, fall 2013

Criminal History:

In 1986, Miller was convicted on a federal contempt of court charge after violating the terms of a consent order that settled a lawsuit filed against him and his Klan group by the SPLC. He was sentenced to a year in prison with six months suspended. However, he disappeared while out on an appeal bond and was later caught in Missouri along with four other Klansmen and a cache of weapons.

In 1987, he pleaded guilty to a weapons charge and to mailing a threat. He had been indicted along with four other white supremacists for conspiring to acquire stolen military weapons, and for planning robberies and the assassination of SPLC co-founder Morris Dees. In an agreement with federal prosecutors, he received a five-year prison sentence in exchange for his testimony against 14 white supremacist leaders in a 1988 sedition trial in Fort Smith, Ark. He served three years.

In November 2015, Miller was sentenced to death and to almost 33 years in prison after being convicted of three counts of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault and discharging a firearm into an occupied building. Miller, who represented himself at trial, shot and killed a 14-year-old boy and his grandfather outside of a Jewish community center and a woman going to visit her mother at a Jewish assisted living facility on April 13, 2014, in Overland Park, Kansas.

In March 2021, Miller’s attorney’s filed an appeal with the Kansas Supreme Court, requesting to overturn his death sentence on the grounds that he should not have been allowed to represent himself during his trial. However, he died before the court could issue a ruling.


Frazier Glenn Miller was the founder and former leader of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party, both of which were operated as paramilitary organizations in the 1980s.

Miller quit high school as a senior to join the U.S. Army. In 1979, he retired from the Army as a master sergeant after 20 years of active duty, including two tours in Vietnam and 13 years as a member of the elite Green Berets.

Miller said he read a racist newspaper for the first time in the early 1970s when his father gave him a copy of The Thunderbolt, published by Ed Fields of the racist and anti-Semitic National States Rights Party (NSRP). According to Miller, within two minutes of browsing through the tabloid, he knew he “had found a home within the American White Movement. I was ecstatic.” He joined the NSRP in 1973 but soon left because, he later testified, it was “made up mostly of elderly people who were not that active.”

He then joined the National Socialist Party of America, a neo-Nazi group whose members attacked and killed marchers associated with the Communist Workers Party in Greensboro, N.C., in 1979. The following year, due to his involvement with the neo-Nazi group, the Greensboro shootout, and death threats against him and his family, his wife left him and moved with their children to Chicago.

Miller was forced to retire from the Army in 1979 due to his Klan-related activities. He enrolled in Johnston Technical College in Smithfield, N.C., and also bought a 25-acre farm in Angier, N.C., near Raleigh. It was there, in late 1980, that he formed the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and began to amass illegal weapons and conduct paramilitary training for his followers with the help of active-duty soldiers. Miller wanted to model the Carolina Knights on Hitler’s Nazi Party. “I would try to emulate Hitler’s methods of attracting members and supporters,” he wrote in his autobiography. “In the years to come, for example, I placed great emphasis on staging marches and rallies. It had been successful with Hitler.”

Miller represented a new, militant breed of Klan leaders in the 1980s, preferring fatigues over the traditional Klan robe and training his troops in military tactics. He was not averse to publicity and began holding rallies and marches on a near-weekly basis up and down the Atlantic Seaboard. He announced that his goal was to create a Carolina Free State, which would be an “all-white nation within the bounds of North and South Carolina.” He said his enemies were “n——” and Jews. He boasted of having supporters at Fort Bragg, the nearby Army base that was home to a large contingent of U.S. Special Forces.

In 1983, after black prison guard Bobby Person filed a discrimination suit against the North Carolina prison system, members of the Carolina Knights began to intimidate the plaintiff. They also harassed, threatened and intimidated other black people in the area. The SPLC, led by Morris Dees, sued Miller and his group in June 1984, demanding they stop their campaign of intimidation and cease all paramilitary activity.

The SPLC lawyers did not know it at the time, but Miller had ties to The Order, a white nationalist terrorist organization whose members assassinated Denver talk show host Alan Berg just 13 days after the SPLC filed suit. The leader of the group, Robert Mathews, had given Miller $200,000 in cash that was part of the $3.8 million stolen during an armored car robbery in Ukiah, Calif. It was later revealed that Dees was at the top of The Order’s hit list. Miller testified in the 1988 sedition trial of other white supremacists that Mathews told him “they were thinking about killing” Dees.

In January 1985, the SPLC reached a consent agreement with Miller that prevented the Knights from operating as a paramilitary group and from harassing, intimidating, threatening or harming any black person or white person who associated with black persons. A month later, however, Miller announced the formation of a new Klan group, the White Patriot Party. His goal was the same: the “unification of white people.” He vowed to operate peacefully – unless the federal government infringed on his rights, in which case he would resort to “underground revolutionary tactics … with the armed resources at our disposal.”

It took less than a year for Miller and the White Patriot Party to violate the consent order. The SPLC obtained photographic evidence of active-duty Marines helping train his members. In a July 1986 trial, in which Dees acted as a special prosecutor to assist federal prosecutors, Miller was found guilty of criminal contempt. One witness testified he had procured weapons and explosives, including 13 armor-penetrating anti-tank rockets, from military personnel on behalf of Miller, after the settlement. He also said he received a duffel bag full of cash as payment to conduct training intended to help “create a paramilitary guerrilla unit for later use in establishing a White Southland.” Miller was sentenced to a year in prison, with six months of that term suspended. He was also ordered to disassociate himself from the White Patriot Party and avoid contact with white supremacists.

In October of that year, while out on bond awaiting an appeal of his conviction, Miller wrote to North Carolina’s governor, asking for an appointment to the Governor’s Task Force on Racial, Religious and Ethnic Violence and Intimidation. He said he would be willing to publicly discourage racial violence and act as a liaison to “the many White groups in North Carolina.”

But, in 1987, while still out on bond, Miller disappeared and went underground. He mailed a “Declaration of War” to supporters, exhorting “Aryan warriors of The Order” to kill “our enemies,” and established a point system for each kill. The targets were: “N—— (1), White race traitors (10), Jews (10), Judges (50) Morris Seligman Dees (888).” He signed the statement “Glenn Miller, loyal member of ‘The Order.’”

The FBI caught up with Miller and four other Klansmen in Springfield, Mo., where he was tear-gassed out of a mobile home. Inside, authorities found hand grenades, automatic weapons, thousands of rounds of ammunition, C-4 explosives and $14,000 in cash. He and the others were indicted for conspiracy to acquire stolen military weapons, explosives and equipment, and for planning robberies and the assassination of Dees. Under a plea agreement, Miller pleaded guilty to a weapons charge and to sending a threat through the mail. He served three years in federal prison, mostly in Otisville, N.Y. As part of his plea deal, he agreed to testify against 14 leading white supremacists in a sedition trial. Although all 14 were acquitted of all the charges against them, Miller became a pariah in much of the white supremacist movement for having tried to rat out his comrades.

Well into the 21st century, Miller continued to produce racist commentary, both on his own website and on the anti-Semitic online forum Vanguard News Network (VNN), where he operated under the username “Rounder,” posting more than 12,000 times. He was one of VNN’s largest donors.

At various points throughout his life, Miller had tried dipped his toes into politics but found little support. He ran in the Democratic primary for North Carolina governor in 1984 and for the Republican nomination for a state senate seat in 1986. He failed in both attempts, finishing eighth out of 10 candidates in 1984 with less than 1% of the vote and last out of three in 1986 with 3%. In Missouri’s 7th congressional district, Miller received 23 votes in 2006 while running as an independent, putting him in last place again. In 2010, he ran for the U.S. Senate in Missouri as a write-in candidate from an unspecified party. He received seven votes out of nearly 2 million cast.

His 2010 campaign drew much attention for its blatantly racist and anti-Semitic radio ads. The Missouri Broadcasters Association raised questions about his campaign, alleging that Miller was not a legitimate candidate and was instead using his status to secure airtime for his beliefs. However, the FCC ruled in his favor, stating there was no legal recourse to hold him accountable.

Miller’s campaigns included promises to “work … to expose the jewish domination of the US government, the mass media, the federal reserve bank, and the decadent American culture.” He also called for incentive payments to white Americans to produce white children.

In 2002 after a stint as a trucker during which he penned his autobiography, A White Man Speaks Out, Miller relocated to Aurora, Mo., where he has since focused on distributing racist literature. His aim is to “unite, organize, educate, recruit” against the Jews until “death or victory.”

Beginning in 2005, this ambition was acted on by publishing the racist tabloid The Aryan Alternative, written by Alex Linder the proprietor of VNN.

Miller was linked to Kevin W. Harpham, a neo-Nazi who was convicted of attempting to bomb a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in Spokane, Wash., in 2011. Although Harpham pleaded guilty, Miller was convinced that Harpham’s lawyers deceitfully convinced Harpham that he would be found guilty regardless of his innocence. Throughout the trial proceedings, Miller was a regular pen pal with Harpham, who was ultimately sentenced to 32 years in prison.

Miller also claimed to have deeply admired Joseph Paul Franklin, a former Klansmen and neo-Nazi who was convicted of a total of eight racially motivated murders (he ultimately confessed to or was implicated in 13 more killings). Franklin mostly targeted black men and boys and interracial couples, whom he despised. He was executed on Nov. 20, 2013, for shooting to death a Jewish man walking out of a synagogue in suburban St. Louis in 1977. On VNN, Miller frequently praised Franklin, saying: “So far, Joseph Paul Franklin is the bravest, therefore the greatest White Nationalist hero America has ever produced.” Another time, he wrote: “His proven courage, initiative, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice everything he owned, including his life, is unequaled on this continent, in my judgment.”

On April 13, 2014 — which would have been Franklin’s 64th birthday — Miller murdered three people outside of the Jewish Community Center and the Village Shalom care center in Overland Park, Kan. Among the victims were Reat Underwood, a 14-year-old boy, and William Corporon, his 69-year-old grandfather, as well as Terri LaManno, a 53-year-old woman who was going to visit her mother at a Jewish assisted living facility.

Miller made clear on numerous occasions after the murders that his motives were antisemitic in nature. Minutes after his arrest, Miller shouted “Heil Hitler” while handcuffed in the back seat of a police car. According to The Kansas City Star, he also asked the arresting officer, “How many f—— Jews did I kill? Later, in a series of telephone interviews with the Star seven months later, Miller, who was suffering from advanced lung disease, said he was convinced he was dying at the time of the shootings and “wanted to make damned sure I killed some Jews or attacked the Jews before I died.”

In August 2015, Miller told neo-Nazi National Alliance member Kevin Alfred Strom that “I confess” to the triple murder during two disturbing phone conversations, which were subsequently posted on VNN. Regarding his motive, Miller said: “Why did I do it? Because my conscience compelled me to kill Jews. … And I feel perfectly justified.” His visit to the emergency room two weeks prior to the shootings, ill with emphysema, is “what spurred” him to engage in the killings, Miller continued.

In two motions Miller filed in June 2015, he claimed that he attempted to “use legal means, rather than violent means” for 48 years, fighting for the “rights and preservation of my people,” but that his efforts were “futile with no chance of stopping the Jewish genocide of my people.” “The white race is dying out,” he said, and “This genocide is caused by Jews.”

During his trial, Miller shouted anti-Semitic rants on multiple occasions. The day the jury found Miller guilty of capital murder and guilty of three counts of attempted first-degree murder, Miller shouted, “Sieg Heil!” while giving the Nazi salute from his wheelchair in the Johnson County courtroom. He also told the jurors he hoped they would have trouble sleeping. Again, moments after the judge sentenced Miller in November 2015, Miller screamed, “Heil Hitler! One day my spirit will rise from my grave and you all will know that I was right. Heil Hitler!”

“I thrive on hate,” he said at one point. “If I didn’t thrive on hate, I would go crazy.”

Miller died in prison at the El Dorado Correctional Facility in Butler County, Kansas, on May 3, 2021. He was 80. At the time, Miller, who had received a death sentence in November 2015, was awaiting a ruling on his appeal from the Kansas Supreme Court, according to the Associated Press. While his official cause of death is pending an autopsy, local news outlets reported that an initial assessment indicated that Miller had died of natural causes.