White Revolution is a neo-Nazi group that employs the most violent language and works with some of the most virulent leaders in the world of white supremacy, while claiming to remain legal. It has sought to unite groups across the radical spectrum, but has been singularly unsuccessful.
In some ways, the group has turned out to be little more than a club for founder Billy Roper and a handful of friends.
In Its Own Words
“Always remember that it is up to us to save our race, no one else is going to do it for us! Evolution is not a spectator sport.”
— White Revolution website
“We recognize that so long as the news and entertainment media around the world are controlled by an alien race and their collaborators … there is no possibility for Whites to democratically regain control of our own destiny. We will not compromise when it comes to our children’s future, or the future of our race and species. We will not allow our people to be pushed towards extinction without pushing back.”
— White Revolution website
White Revolution was founded by long-time neo-Nazi Billy Roper in 2002, just days after Roper was ejected from the National Alliance during the internal battles that followed the death of Alliance founder William Pierce. Defying Pierce’s movement elitism, Roper, as the Alliance’s deputy membership coordinator, had worked to build bridges to an array of other white supremacist organizations. So when Roper formed White Revolution, taking several key Alliance staffers with him, it was widely expected that he would build a major movement coalition.
After setting up shop in his native Arkansas, Roper did reach out to other racist groups and attend events put on by these groups in a bridge-building effort. White Revolution has had contacts with Aryan Nations, the Creativity Movement and even some racist groups in Europe. But in its first years, aside from bursts of propaganda activity (leafleting and rallies), the organization has been surprisingly quiet.
Officially, the group strives to be “the most radical legal pro-White organization involved in public activism.” But it remains legal apologetically, and celebrates violence against non-whites in a variety of ways. “I understand as well as anyone how frustrating it is to delay action and to remain legal while our people’s situation continues to grow increasingly desperate,” Roper says. “When some people think of revolution, they think of guns and bombs and hand grenades. But for us, at this stage of the revolution, our weapons of choice are the pen, the leaflet, the keyboard. … The time may well come when we will communicate to our enemies in a manner which they will find unambiguous, but for now we must lay the foundation and create the support networks which will be necessary for any future endeavors.”
Early on, Roper said he would create a white nationalist multimedia juggernaut that would stream news and post videos on its website. But whiterevolution.com has not lived up to expectations, and largely serves as Roper’s personal blog. It also offers a list of addresses for white supremacist “prisoners of war” doing time in prison.
The group’s irregularly published White Revolution News is an odd publication that carries a feature on how white children can enjoy holidays safely, but also runs features that, for instance, celebrate the near-fatal beating of a Latino man. It also frequently offers up death as a solution to the problems it sees, as in a 2003 article on a high school for gay students in New York City. After suggesting separate schools be established for every ethnic group, Roper concluded: “Some day, their separation from us will be complete, and eternal. This is a good place and time to begin their weaning. While they’re young. While their mushy minds are still malleable. While you can fit more of them into the boxcars, if you stack them right.”
Like most hate groups, White Revolution increasingly has focused on the alleged evils of non-white immigration into the United States, with its website, publications and leader’s statements emphasizing the issue. But this does not appear to have helped the group grow, even though it claims chapters in a number of states.
In September 2011, Roper shut down White Revolution. “As the leader of the organization, I am solely responsible and accept full responsibility for White Revolution’s lack of success as a membership organization,” Roper wrote in “an open letter to the white nationalist movement.” Effective immediately, Roper said, “White Revolution will cease to accept new membership applications and will suspend all recruitment activities as a membership organization while we undergo a period of reorganization and dismantlement …” Roper also announced that he would not be leaving the movement and would join forces with long time Klan leader Thom Robb, who lives less than 70 miles from Roper in Harrison, Ark.