Helping navigate the perils of anti-LGBTQ+ pseudoscience by analyzing the groups and actors using the language of science to attack the medical consensus supporting LGBTQ+ affirming health care and resources to counter anti-trans narratives and extremism.
About the Report
Conversion Therapy: Fact over Fiction
Common Myths about Puberty Blockers
‘Sterilization’ Rhetoric and Trans Kids
Conservative Religion & Anti-LGBTQ+ Pseudoscience
Timeline: Building a Pseudoscience Network
The Pseudoscience Network in Action: A Case Study of Virginia
R.G. Cravens, Ph.D., Editor; Quinnehtukqut McLamore, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Missouri at Columbia; Lee Leveille, Co-Developer of Health Liberation Now!; Emerson Hodges; Sophie Wunderlich; and Lydia Bates.
Illustration by Andrei Cojocaru