• Hatewatch

Academic Senate Condemns Professor Kevin MacDonald’s Anti-Semitic Research

Heidi Beirich

In an important decision, the Academic Senate representing the faculty of California State University, Long Beach, voted overwhelmingly Oct. 2 in favor of a resolution to disassociate the university from the anti-Semitic and racist views of Psychology Professor Kevin MacDonald. This decision follows the posting of similar statements of disassociation from MacDonald’s work by CSULB’s Jewish Studies, History and Psychology departments. Though his research has never been publicly condemned by CSULB’s President F. King Alexander, in early 2008 MacDonald was removed from teaching undergraduate courses.

The resolution was discussed during a Sept. 18 meeting whose unapproved minutes read, “Dr. Kevin MacDonald of the Department of Psychology has made public statements and produced publications with a highly prejudicial view of Jews and non whites. His ideas have been taken up by white separatists who use MacDonald’s academic credentials to legitimize their agenda. Dr. MacDonald has done little to distance himself from these groups.” The final resolution has yet to be posted to the CSULB Academic Senate website.

The Sept. 18 minutes also state that there “had been no recent evidence of [MacDonald teaching his controversial ideas in class] though another member of the Psychology Faculty said that a former student had reported that MacDonald had done so about ten years ago.”

MacDonald, who is beloved by major American anti-Semites including former Klan leader David Duke, believes that Jews are impelled by genetic factors to undermine the majority populations of the societies they live in. In fact, MacDonald put it like this in journalist Jon Entine’s recent book, Abraham’s Children: “Jews do not act in the best interest of society. We need to systematically put in place some controls, call it discrimination if you will, to restore parity with other groups.” Since the turn of the millennium, MacDonald has also become a white supremacist activist. He has held leadership positions in several white supremacist groups, and in 2004 he was honored with a $10,000 prize for his work on the Jews by The Occidental Quarterly, a white supremacist publication on whose editorial advisory board he sits.

Regardless of these resolutions, MacDonald continues to crank out more anti-Semitic research. In April, his new book, Cultural Insurrections: Essays on Western Civilization, Jewish Influence, and Anti-Semitism, was published by the Occidental Press, the white nationalist hate group that also publishes The Occidental Quarterly. In one indication of the work’s extremism, the book’s forward was written by Virginia Abernethy, a professor emeritus at Vanderbilt University who is a self-described “white separatist.”