Even by the twisted standards of the neo-Nazi underworld, Hardy Lloyd is one sick individual. The 30-year-old skinhead, who describes himself as the “doctor of all hate,” was kicked out of the ultra-violent World Church of the Creator in 2003 after he was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. “I do not believe killing is wrong,” Lloyd wrote in 2004. “Our new religion must be the worship of death and murder.”

Later that year, Lloyd (right) was arrested for murder after he killed his girlfriend. The victim, 41-year-old Lori Hann, was a divorced legal secretary who met Lloyd through an Internet dating service. Lloyd admitted shooting Hann in the face during an argument over another woman, but claimed that she’d threatened him with a handgun minutes earlier and that he fired in self-defense.
Prosecutors argued that Hann was gunned down in the street while running for help (she’d pulled over her car and gotten out in front of a stranger’s house with Lloyd in the passenger seat), and pointed out that Hann was unarmed when Lloyd shot her (Hann’s handgun was found in her vehicle). Nevertheless, a jury in November 2006 acquitted Lloyd of first-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter, finding him guilty only of carrying a firearm without a license.
Narrowly escaping a murder conviction has done nothing to dampen Lloyd’s enthusiasm for celebrating violence, including mass murder, on his “Universal Fascism” website, on which he encourages fascists of all colors to unite and kill Jews. But in recent weeks he’s sunken to a new sadistic low by taunting Hann’s loved ones and bragging about ending her life by posting lyrics to his own sadistic versions of hit pop songs and gangsta rap singles.
Last Dec. 22, for example, Lloyd posted the lyrics to “’B—- Killer,’ as sung by Hardy Lloyd,” a take on rapper Ice-T’s controversial 1992 single “Cop Killer.” Here’s a sampling of the lyrics:
I got my 380 cocked off.
I got my headlights turned off.
I’m bout to bust some shots off.
I’m bout to dust some b—- off.
B—- killer, better her than me.
B—- killer, f— Hann’s family.
B—- killer, I know Lori’s family’s grievin’
B—- killer, but tonight I got even.
One month later, on Jan. 21, Lloyd posted the lyrics to “‘The Heat is On,’ by Glenn Fr[e]y, as sung by Hardy.” An excerpt:
The heat is on, on the street
Insider her head, she feels the beat
And the beat’s so loud, deep inside
The pressure’s high, and Lori can’t stay alive
Lloyd’s site also displays a photo of him French-kissing his new wife, Lisa Donato, the other woman Lloyd said he was fighting with Hann about the night he put a bullet in Hann’s temple. Lloyd, who still resides in Pittsburgh, Pa., where he grew up, is depicted in other photos on the site wearing sunglasses and a bomber jacket while brandishing a variety of weapons. “I hate Americans more than I hate the JEWS!” he writes. “I am not an American! And if I was, I would kill myself!!”
Perish the thought.