“I am begging. It’s humiliating as hell, but I am,” Linder said two weeks ago in a post claiming he could no longer pay the bills.
Pointing to the usual target of his hatred, the post said, “You want to fight jews [sic]? I have the will and ability to do so, as proved over two decades.”
Though clearly broke, Linder defiantly proclaimed, “I believe VNN has made a difference so far, and will continue to do that in the future. I see more and more stuff taking a VNNlike [sic] line, and that is very heartening. It shows that we are right, and if we just keep going, we are ginning up more and more people…Things are going our way.”
Speaking of “ginning up” people, VNN provided a forum for many famous racists, perhaps most notably Frazier Glenn Miller, the raging anti-Semite who went on a shooting spree in April that killed three people in Overland Park, Kan. He posted thousands of times on VNN using the name “Rounder.”
This morning Linder was $700 short of the $2,500 he needed to pay the Website’s bill. It remains unknown if VNN will return, though Linder has claimed VNN will go down long enough “for people to think about things.”
Unfortunately, his hate career will continue over at alexlinder.com.