• Hatewatch

Andrew Anglin Raises More Than $150,000, Still Hiding from SPLC Lawsuit

Keegan Hankes


Andrew Anglin, proprietor of the Daily Stormer, continues to hide from an SPLC lawsuit filed on April 18, despite a legal defense fund that has raised more than $151,305 in just over a month. 

Anglin orchestrated a harassment campaign last December against Tanya Gersh, a Montana real estate agent, that resulted in a deluge of anti-Semitic threats and messages to her family, including her 12-year-old son.

Even with contributions from 1,912 individuals, Anglin, who constantly alleges spending 18 hours a day on the computer, remains in hiding, penning petulant articles for the Stormer and counting the proceeds generated from his personal victim narrative.

“You must contribute to the Daily Stormer Legal Defense Fund,” writes “Azzmador,” one of the site’s most recognizable contributors. “If you are a person who cares about the existence of our race and a future for White children, this is not an option.”

Despite his lieutenants’ outcries for support, Anglin has been conspicuously silent about the SPLC’s legal complaint given his predilection for both strident anti-Semitism and pleas for financial contributions.

“The goal is to ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites and establish an authoritarian government,” Anglin wrote in August 2016. “Many people also believe the Jews should be exterminated. 
 The end goal is ethnic cleansing by any means necessary.”

Anglin, who has been banned from almost every mainstream fundraising and ad revenue platform for his vitriol, also frequently complains that his readers rarely donate.

“It’s all going to work out and we’ll keep on rolling, but please do consider contributing, because very few people do, and it is hard going,” he wrote in a post this February. “We definitely could use more money.”

In the same post, he implored members of physical Daily Stormer “Book Clubs” — groups of readers who meet in person in multiple locations around the country — to pass around a hat to raise money for him. Coincidentally, last Friday Anglin announced a major push to organize new chapters and recruit new members.

On May 16, well known Internet gadfly Chuck Johnson, who founded Wesearchr, the home of the Daily Stormer’s legal defense fund, announced that he released a “5 figure amount of money” to a lawyer representing Andrew Auernheimer (AKA Weev) — a notorious neo-Nazi hacker who provides technical support to the Daily Stormer — and, presumably, Anglin.

And yet, Anglin hasn’t surfaced. Nor has he or a lawyer offered any statement regarding the lawsuit. As more time passes, his anti-Semitic bravado is giving way to the familiar trope of the self-interested, white nationalist embezzler.

The extremist Internet’s preeminent stone thrower appears to have lost his edge when it comes to fighting the race war offline.