When he isn’t making YouTube videos warning of “white genocide” or leading his youthful band of white nationalists on college campuses to protest the Marxist takeover of American higher education, Angelo John Gage wants you to know he’s there to help.
It’s all about the power of positive thinking. And Gage, the 31-year-old former marine and failed congressional candidate from New Jersey, is here to help.
Besides serving as the chairman for the National Youth Front (NYF), the youth wing of the radical-right the American Freedom Party, Gage is also a certified trained “life coach” and devoted practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis Strategies, or NLP.
Although some call it a scam, NLP is a controversial communication and personal development methodology made famous by self-help information king Tony Robbins. Millions of people, from the broke to billionaires and even, it seems, bald-headed white nationalists, gobble up Robbins’ self-help books and videos.
Robbins’ motivational teachings, Gage says on his website offering counseling services, “greatly helped me, and I experienced results.” Gage adds, “I became inspired to be like him so I began my town training program as a NLP practitioner in 2009.”
But for Gage, the program is about self-awareness or personal breakthroughs. NLP is also apparently a weapon. When used properly, NLP “is like a mind-hacking program that can be used for good or bad,” Gage wrote last year on his blog, “Angelo John Gage: March against Marxism.” “The reason why I’m talking about NLP in this article,” he added, “is because our enemies are using it against us.”
Gage, it seems, fears that mind-control may be behind efforts to turn the country into a playground for cultural Marxists, an idea that has animated some to commit acts of violence, including Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, whose manifesto accused cultural Marxists of diluting European heritage.
“Notice how the Marxists are always trying to censor certain words and phrases by labeling them as ‘hateful,’” while “creating a politically correct matrix,” Gage wrote. That makes it hard “to wake up our fellow brothers and sisters” to “the Marxists’ control of the media, which enables them to disseminate their hypnotic language to our folk across the world on a daily basis … ultimately leading them to commit racial and cultural suicide.”
Robbins undoubtedly would be appalled by Gage’s politics, which include a heavy dose of racism. After the shootings in Charleston, S.C., this summer, Robbins tweeted, “Sound off and help to help to annihilate Racism and its symbols!”
Gage was born in Italy and brought to America when he was 2. He says he joined the U.S. Marines at 17, not long after watching the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. He served two tours in Iraq and came home haunted the experience. “When I returned to civilian life after I completed my four years of service,” he writes on his NLP website, “I realized that I had become lost, confused, and depressed. It was my own personal struggles that led me to discover the self-help world,” Gage wrote on his blog.
That world, it turns out, can be helpful, perhaps especially to racists.
He gives an example on his blog of NLP in action—an imaginary conversation between two people – A and B – discussing what Gage called “Eurocide.”
A: Have you heard about Eurocide (white genocide) going on today?
B: No. What the hell are you talking about?
A: It is the deliberate destruction of the indigenous European people, their nations and their cultures through anti-European policies perpetrated by anti-European forces.
B: That is ridiculous. That is not happening! White people rule the world!
A: How do you know it’s not happening?
B: Because I don’t see it happening!
A: So you have eyes that can see everything happening on this planet?
The theoretical exchange continues until speaker B begins to see the contradictions in his thinking and asks to see some websites about Eurocide –– one more victory for NLP, and for the Aryan race.
“Next time you are debating someone,” Gage advises his fellow white nationals, “try some NLP.”