• Hatewatch

Ann Coulter – A White Nationalist in the Mainstream?

Hatewatch Staff

One person pats another on the shoulder with pride.

Ann Coulter was back in the news again this week following racist comments she made during an interview with Fusion TV host Jorge Ramos. Coulter claimed the Mexican culture is “deficient” and went on to claim that part of Mexican culture includes “uncles raping their nieces.” Such quotes are nothing new for Coulter, who uses her mainstream popularity as a platform to spread white nationalist messages and ideas to a large audience.

Over the past few decades, other white nationalist ideologues such as Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis (before his death) have been publicly denounced and marginalized. The main question for TV networks and newspaper columns is why are they not doing the same to Coulter? If one looks at her quotes throughout the years, many strikingly similar things have been uttered by neo-Nazis and hardcore white nationalists. Yet Coulter remains in the mainstream.

In an interview with Sean Hannity last year, Coulter scoffed, “But unfortunately for liberals, there is no racism in America. There is more cholera in America than there is racism. But they have to invent it.” Sadly, Coulter is very much mistaken. Racism is alive and well in America today and Coulter is doing her part to spread it.

Below is a selection of racist quotes from Coulter juxtaposed with similar quotes from other members of the radical right:

One may assume the new majority will not be such compassionate overlords as the white majority has been. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide. Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population. (From AnnCoulter.com

 “Why can’t European-Americans be concerned with this genocide [of white people]? Is it racial to say that?” – Gordon Baum, former head of the white nationalist group Council of Conservative Citizens

“I think there are cultures that are obviously deficient. And if they weren’t deficient, you wouldn’t be sitting in America interviewing me — I’d be sitting in Mexico.” (Coulter in Politico

“Multiculturalism, which subordinates successful Euro-American culture to dysfunctional Third World cultures, keeps gaining ground against surprisingly weak opposition.” – White nationalist John Vinson,  founding member of the neo-Confederate hate group League of the South 

 “You fled that culture because there are a lot of problems with that culture. We can share our culture with other nations without bringing all of their people here. When you bring the people here, you bring those cultures here. That includes honor killings, it includes uncles raping their nieces, it includes dumping litter all over, it includes not paying your taxes, it includes paying bribes to government officials. That isn’t our culture.” (Coulter in Politico

Statistics repeatedly prove that ILLEGAL ALIENS, first committing a criminal act by violating our borders and then bringing their values and culture to our midst, are major contributors to our mounting financial burdens as well as moral and social decay.” – Barbara Coe, former head of the anti-immigrant hate group California Coalition for Immigration Reform  

“I think our motto should be, post-9/11, ‘R—— talks tough, r—— faces consequences.” (Coulter in CNSnews

“A bunch of towel head/sand n—— put our great White Movement to shame” – Neo-Nazi Rocky Suhayda

“But unfortunately for liberals, there is no racism in America. There is more cholera in America than there is racism. But they have to invent it.”  (Coulter in Newshounds

David Duke