The visitor to the “Glenn Beck” show was Sam Antonio, the 31-year-old Southern California coordinator of the John Birch Society. Antonio said JBS believes a 2005 agreement with Canada and Mexico “has allowed the Mexican government to get a hold on our enforcement of laws here in America.”

“We are just exposing the truth that’s been out there for many, many years,” said Antonio. SPP, he added, will be “an opening of our borders for Canada and Mexico and eventually all throughout the Americas.”
That “truth” has been bedeviling many a politician recently. The New York Times reported today that Rudolph Guliani and Mitt Romney, both Republican presidential candidates, were stumped when asked about the alleged plot.
This wasn’t the first time a JBS official made a recent appearance on CNN. For a few seconds last fall, another CNN host, Lou Dobbs, showed a clip of JBS President John McManus lambasting the SPP. “What’s going on is a super elite is taking control,” he said.