April Gaede, long-time white supremacist and Jill-of-all-Aryan-trades, is working on yet another new project. Perhaps the Aryan matchmaker service she was trying to launch in January isn’t working out so well, so Gaede is moving from breeding material to reading material.
Her latest venture, which she announced Nov. 1 on the racist website Stormfront.org, is an as-yet-unnamed magazine geared specifically to “white nationalist women.” Gaede hopes to launch her first issue around Christmas, so she’s soliciting articles of 500 to 2,000 words from fellow white nationalist “ladies” dealing with recipes, family traditions and customs, home-schooling tips, hair and makeup ideas and politics and the recent election (because nothing says “Christmas” like politics). The pieces must have a pro-white slant, she explains, and “if you can provide photos or pictures, that would be wonderful.”
Gaede, who lives in Kalispell, Mont., is best known as the micromanaging stage mom for daughters Lynx and Lamb, who used to perform as the neo-Nazi musical duo Prussian Blue. After her daughters appeared to lose interest, Gaede went on to engage in other attention-getting escapades — no surprise from a woman who once rode a horse almost naked through her hometown as part of a radio promotion and who more recently boasted of scoring free merchandise by distracting clerks.
In 2007, April Gaede arranged for the body of white nationalist hero David Lane to be transported from a federal prison in Indiana, where he was serving a 190-year sentence in connection with the 1984 assassination of Jewish talk show host Alan Berg, to her home in Montana. In a story that even Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code, might not believe, Lane’s cremated remains were apportioned among 14 miniature pyramids, one for each of the “14 Words,” a famous racist slogan Lane authored (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”). The pyramids were supposed to go to 14 white nationalist women, but instead, the situation spiraled into a feud between Gaede, members of the neo-Nazi Women for Aryan Unity (WAU), and other white nationalist women.
After the inaugural issue of her magazine is ready, Gaede says she plans to make it available for sale, but those who contribute articles will receive “free issues of this epic and historical magazine. If this endeavor is a success we will be doing something that is ground breaking.”
Except that it’s not. WAU “and friends” have already broken the ground Gaede hopes to plow. They publish the magazine Homefront, a slick white nationalist family and women’s publication available as a free download that has been published since 2005. WAU says it produces three issues a year. Much like the magazine Gaede is planning, Homefront focuses on things like natural/organic cooking and cleaning tips, healthy eating, physical fitness, home-schooling, media portrayals of women, and raising a family. One issue even features a sympathetic piece about bipolar disorder. Still, lest one think Homefront offers a kinder, gentler version of white nationalism, the magazine also includes articles — often generously laced with racial slurs — on the imminent fall of the white race and how Jewish-controlled media is conditioning good Aryans to accept debauchery and filth.
There also is lingering bad blood between Gaede and members of WAU, left over from the bizarre aftermath of Lane’s death. No surprise, then, that the comment thread Gaede started on Stormfront.org was politely but handily hijacked by Homefront coordinator and WAU member Vicky Cahill, writing under the name WarMaiden. The maneuvering started when one commenter noted that Gaede’s magazine sounded just like “another magazine” for Aryan women already out there. A second helpfully provided a link to Homefront. Cahill then stepped in and graciously offered to help Gaede with her project. After a conversation between Cahill and another commenter about the international appeal of Homefront, and some glowing compliments about Homefront from other users, Cahill stated, “Anyways [sic], this is April’s thread” – then proceeded to post a large Homefront banner and several Homefront magazine covers below it.
Gaede has yet to respond to Cahill’s offer of help, but perhaps she should. Seems she can use all the help she can get.