• Hatewatch

Exclusive: Frazier Glenn Miller’s 2013 Calls to the Southern Poverty Law Center

Josh Glasstetter

Last fall, the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, Heidi Beirich, spoke on multiple occasions with Frazier Glenn Miller (aka Frazier Glenn Cross), the suspect in Sunday’s deadly shootings at two Jewish community centers in Kansas. Miller, who once plotted to assassinate SPLC founder Morris Dees, wanted to invite Beirich on to a right-wing talk radio show and arrange a debate with her on the racist Vanguard News Network forum. During one of the calls, Miller reacted incredulously when she accused him of wanting to kill Jews.

Beirich and Miller discussed his ideology, history in the white supremacist movement and violent past. Miller said he joined the cause after reading the racist, anti-Semitic “Thunderbolt” newsletter – “I’ve been obsessed ever since 1974 when I became Jew-wise,” he said. “When I read that thing, my hair stood up, my neck turned red, and I knew I had found a home.” He went on to praise National Alliance founder William Pierce as “probably the best” and called David Duke “super-persuasive.”

Miller was convinced that whites are facing extinction at the hands of Jews and blacks and accused Beirich of supporting “anti-white genocide.” She told him that SPLC is trying to “stop people like you who want to kill Jews and exterminate Jews.” “Who the hell is killing Jews, who’s exterminating Jews?” Miller asked incredulously. Beirich responded that Miller’s associate Alex Linder, who runs the Vanguard News Network forum, where he was a senior member, says that Jews should be exterminated. Miller said that was just a “god damn opinion.”

Miller went on to explain how, in his view, Jews are increasing and whites are dying off. “Everything that’s killing us was brought about by Jews,” he said, citing abortion, which he says has killed “40 million white babies.”


Beirich and Miller spoke not long before racist serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin was executed. Miller said Franklin, who was convicted of eight racially-motivated murders and implicated in many more, had a “rationale” for his actions – “he thought he was doing the right thing,” he said. Miller then declared Franklin “a righteous vigilante.”


Miller expressed a variety of anti-Semitic views and theories during the course of his calls to Beirich. “They don’t deny they control media,” he exclaimed. When told that Jews “are just like all other people,” he asked incredulously, “Why is it that that their DNA makes them all equivalent of fourth and fifth cousins at least?” “All you got to do is Google ‘Jew DNA,” he said.

He then turned his attention to blacks, asking Beirich, “Why do blacks in Africa (sic) average IQ is 70?” He then demanded to know why their brains are “smaller” and “lighter.”


Miller bragged about his “violent history of going around picking up n—— and beating the hell out of ‘em, particularly n—– f——.” When Beirich asked why he had once been arrested in the company of a black transvestite, Miller said he had a gun and nightstick and was going to “whip his ass.” “I’m too old now, but I’ve done a hell of a lot of violence, on behalf of my race over the years.”

Miller said he “went to court several times but never went to prison” for the attacks he described. After Beirich called him a “really ugly human being,” Miller asked her to confirm again that she wasn’t Jewish.