The American Third Position (A3P), a fledgling but important Southern California-based white supremacist political party, has expanded its base by merging with another relatively new racist and anti-Semitic organization.
The latter group, the New Jersey-based League of American Patriots (LOAP), was absorbed into the A3P a few days ago and became the Metro New York area chapter of the A3P. LOAP was founded in March 2008 and is headed by a New Jersey attorney, Alexander Carmichael. It is based in Butler, N.J. Members must be heterosexuals “of complete European Christian ancestry.”
The A3P, which has attracted several leading American white supremacists and seems to have been growing steadily, was launched in January of this year “to represent the political interests of White Americans.” Its roots are in Orange and Los Angeles counties. The group’s goal is to eventually garner enough support to run white nationalist candidates for political offices in every state.
The A3P’s chairman also is a lawyer, William Daniel Johnson of Los Angeles. He’s a failed political candidate in three states who once wrote a book advocating that millions of non-whites be deported from the United States. Its first director was Kevin MacDonald, the California State University, Long Beach, psychology professor who is the author of an anti-Semitic trio of books. Other directors include James Edwards, host of the racist radio program, “The Political Cesspool”; Tomislav Sunic, a frequent speaker at racist and anti-Semitic venues; and Don Wassall, the longtime publisher of a monthly white nationalist newspaper.
In its 2½ years, LOAP has distributed racist flyers in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania neighborhoods. One of them beseeched readers to “Stop Minority (Non-White) Crime Now!” Members also dumped anti-Barack Obama flyers in neighborhoods during the 2008 presidential election, with one claiming that “Black Ruled Nations [are the] most unstable and violent in the world.” Other flyers have taken aim at undocumented immigrants, portraying them as criminals who deplete social services.
In March 2009, about 15 LOAP members met in a room they reserved at a branch library in Clifton, N.J., after stating on an application form that they were the “Polish-American Issues Forum.” When five protesters showed up, a brawl ensued, according to the library director. LOAP members also attended Tea Party gatherings in New Jersey and New York last July 4 and handed out flyers reading, “Celebrate Western Heritage.”
In an announcement about the marriage of the two racist groups on its website, the A3P praised LOAP for “the gracefulness by which it presents its message to the American people” and declared the merger “a giant step forward for the A3P.”