U.S. marshals are searching for a well-known Virginia neo-Nazi and convicted felon who recently missed a scheduled check-in with his probation officer, Virginia’s WSLS reports.
Bill White, who was released in April 2011 after spending over two years in prison for threatening his enemies through intimidating phone calls and Internet postings, was once the head of the neo-Nazi American National Socialist Workers Party.
White also is a notorious Internet gossip who was let out of prison on the condition that he refrain from participating in “any Internet related business or hobby involving a website, and the posting of any information on any website.” But he nevertheless appears to have written a Facebook post earlier this month claiming that he was tortured in prison and “left the United States several weeks ago after accepting an offer of asylum from a foreign nation that shares my view that the United States government is not legitimate. I shall not be returning.”
Though it was his first known direct violation of the probation conditions, this Facebook post is not White’s first post-prison screed. Since May 2011, he’s been contributing articles to the print edition of American Free Press, a racist, anti-Semitic and conspiracist weekly that bills itself as “America’s Last Real Newspaper” and was founded by Holocaust denier Willis Carto. Like most print media these days, American Free Press is also available online, but White’s end run around the judge’s order have apparently not been enough to prompt officials to pick him up.
Apparently, White hopes to continue writing from abroad – although his alleged Facebook post offers no indication of where he has gone, it does include a note to asking “[a]nyone with a serious interest in licensing my work or commissioning new work” to respond via Facebook “or send an email to [email protected].”
“Donations to help me settle in my new land are also welcome,” it continues. “Thank all of you who support me. The United States has become an evil empire more dangerous to world security than the former Soviet Union, and its government must be overturned if the peoples of the world are going to remain free.”