• Hatewatch

Hardball with Chris Matthews Takes FRC’s Jerry Boykin to Task for Remarks about Obama, Muslims and Jews

Josh Glasstetter


Last night, Hardball with Chris Matthews reserved a spot on the “clown car” for Family Research Council Executive Vice President Jerry Boykin. The segment centered on audio that we recorded of Boykin speaking on a “hot mic” at a far-right conference.

Boykin said that President Obama supports Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and sends them subliminal messages of support. In the same recording, which we posted on YouTube, Boykin awkwardly joked with an Israeli reporter that “Jews are the problem” and the “cause of all the problems in the world.”

Boykin is a retired Army Lt. Gen. and served as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence under President George W. Bush. His career was derailed by his anti-Muslim advocacy, culminating in a public rebuke by President Bush and a Pentagon investigation that determined he had violated military rules. In the years since, Boykin has established himself as a leading Muslim-basher and conspiracy theorist.

Watch Matthews and his guests, Salon.com editor Joan Walsh and Michelle Bernard of the Bernard Center, take Boykin and the Family Research Council to task: