• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 10/10/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Trump’s Islamophobic answer to Muslim woman; Anti-immigrant violence rise feared; Limbaugh sees hurricane conspiracy; and more.

Vox: A Muslim woman asked Donald Trump how he’d fight Islamophobia, and his answer was super Islamophobic.

Mother Jones: Trump’s promise to imprison Clinton is more than a year in the making.

Reuters: Two nativist anti-immigration groups say they were consulted by the Trump campaign.

Right Wing Watch: Trump campaign defends sons’ appearances on show with ties to white nationalist.

JoeMyGod: Trump campaign CEO Stephen Bannon directs ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Robertson in film on ‘Christian persecution.’

New York Daily News: Neo-Nazi site blasts Attorney General Eric Schneiderman over Trump charity probe.

Think Progess: Amid Trump’s rise, Long Islanders fear a return to violence against immigrants.

Salon: How the ‘old right’ of FDR’s day laid the foundations for the emergence of today’s Alt-Right and the rise of Trump.

Huffington Post: Rush Limbaugh thinks that hurricanes are part of a left wing climate change conspiracy.

Washington Post: Alabama police chief faces investigation after posting ‘anti-Muslim bigotry,’ including bullets dipped in bacon grease.

Media Matters: Bill O’Reilly defends Jesse Watters for his outrageously racist report from Chinatown.

AlterNet: Ava DuVernay’s documentary ‘13th’ is a devastating look at America’s long history of criminal injustice.

Talking Points Memo: Fox commenter gets year in prison for threats on Planned Parenthood partner.

Oregonian: Under oath, Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer contradicts his earlier claims about militia-related emails.