• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 10/10/2017

Hatewatch Staff


Gerrymandering is about race, Wisconsin shows; How a white supremacist was born; Men’s rights activists share values with white supremacists; and more.

ProPublica: ‘Partisan gerrymandering’ is still about race at its core, as Wisconsin case shows.

The New Yorker: Birth of a white supremacist: Mike Enoch’s transformation from a leftist contrarian to nationalist shock jock.

Daily Progress: Charlottesville police issue assault warrant for black man after his beating in parking garage.

Carbonated: During extradition, neo-Nazi Dennis Mothersbaugh proudly wears ‘God, Guns & Trump’ shirt.

Mother Jones: The question for the Supreme Court: Is Trump’s latest travel ban still the same old Muslim ban?

New York Times: A look at Stephen Miller, the powerful survivor on the president’s far-right flank.

Media Matters: What men’s rights activists and other ‘anti-feminist’ men have in common with white supremacists.

Salon: Watch John Oliver rip apart the neo-Confederate claims the Civil War was about ‘states rights’.

Washington Post: New Confederate monuments are being built across the country — even in Union states.

Think Progress: ESPN suspends black commentator Jemele Hill over tweets about NFL anthem protests.

AlterNet: The five most dangerous people in the media who talk about race, yet know little about it.

Tennessean: ‘White Lives Matter’ group planning rallies in Murfreesboro, Shelbyville on Oct. 28.

Raw Story: KKK threatens ‘black apes’ who ‘make eyes’ at white women in recruiting flyers found in Florida.

CNN: Roy Moore in 2009: ‘Only thing I know that the Islamic faith has done in this country is 9/11.’

KHOU-TV (Houston, TX): Anti-Muslim ‘Heart of Texas’ rally in 2016 was orchestrated by Russians.

LGBTQ Nation: The six most dangerous antigay activists in the nation.

The Stranger: Here is a freshly posted white-supremacist poster on Seattle Pacific’s campus.

Daily News-Miner (Fairbanks, AK): Tale of infiltrating Alaska militia among the year’s best memoirs.

Futurism: Researchers are trying to use artificial intelligence to put an end to hate speech.

History News Network: Why I decided to make hatred the subject of a talk to the general public.