• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 10/15/2018

Hatewatch Staff


A look at how fascists are radicalized online; Fox misreported NYC Proud Boys incident; Feds still on the job fighting right-wing terrorism; and more.

Bellingcat: From memes to Infowars: Here’s how 75 fascist activists were ‘red-pilled.’

GamesIndustry: Discord’s problem: Which Nazi group were you reporting again?

Media Matters: Fox News misreported Proud Boys as victims of New York attack, misled viewers about sword.

Daily Beast: New York Gov. Cuomo calls on FBI to investigate Proud Boys violence.

Reveal News: The federal government hasn’t thrown in the towel on fighting white-supremacist terror.

Raw Story: Here’s why the fight over ‘political correctness’ is a smokescreen for bigotry and hate.

Talking Points Memo: Two Republican operatives in Arizona posed as Communists and tried to donate to a Democrat.

Salon: The point of Trump’s USA Today op-ed was not about Medicare, it was to threaten his opponents.

BuzzFeed: Using Project Veritas as a source is still causing federal prosecutors headaches in Washington.

Right Wing Watch: Karen Pence campaigns for Mark Harris, who longs for days when gays were treated as criminals.

NBC News: Two decades after Matthew Shepard’s death, LGBT community still battles hate violence.

Think Progress: These three anti-LGBT lawsuits outline the new conservative strategy in Texas.

American-Statesman (Austin, TX): More white-supremacist propaganda found at Texas State – this time it’s business cards.

Poughkeepsie Journal (NY): Local man who posted antisemitic fliers has been banned from multiple college campuses.

The Atlantic: The dangers of a neo-Nazi Woodstock music festival in eastern Germany.