• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 10/19/2018

Hatewatch Staff


GOP’s track record of enabling extremists; College closes to avoid Patriot Prayer; NBC catches an earful for its handling of white nationalists; and more.

Media Matters: Even before Proud Boys incident, Republicans had empowered gangs and extremist groups.

Truthout: The Proud Boys have revived far-right gang terror with GOP support.

Willamette Week (OR): Vancouver’s Clark College will close Monday in reponse to planned Patriot Prayer march.

Oregonian: Video from confrontation at Patriot Prayer event goes viral, raises question of ‘911 widow’s’ story.

Right Wing Watch: Glenn Beck and The Blaze try to rehabilitate the image of Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys.

HuffPost: New York Times’ profile of McInnes was unbelievably tone-deaf.

Washington Post: ‘Swastikas in gift wrap’: NBC accused of helping white-nationalist group sanitize its racism.

Salon: Historian Christopher Browning, an expert on the rise of Nazism, warns we’re close to ‘point of no return.’

Vox: Republicans are ramming through extremist judges by holding hearings when everyone is out of town.

Daily Beast: Alex Jones and Infowars are still on Twitter, despite their ‘ban.’

Topeka Capital-Journal (KS): Kris Kobach urges court to block release of embarrassing videotaped deposition.

Talking Points Memo: CFPB probes Trump anti-discrimination employee who wrote about ‘hate crime hoaxes.’

Suffolk Journal (Boston): ‘Fighting Nazis’ put in perspective: Former skinhead works to help people get out of movement.

ProPublica: Even in Philadelphia, one of of the most determined sanctuary cities, refuge is elusive.

Think Progress: America’s far right is lining up to support Brazilian right-wing populist Bolsonaro.