Far right declares mail bombs a ‘false flag’; GOP works to keep minorities from voting; Trump’s rationale for discriminating against transgender people; and more.
Talking Points Memo: The far right derides package bombs sent to leading liberals a pre-election ‘false flag’.
Raw Story: Here are the most egregious right-wing conspiracy theories about Democrats being mailed bombs.
Vice: Republicans are working feverishly to prevent minorities from voting in the midterms.
Los Angeles Times: Here’s why Trump thinks it’s ‘acceptable’ to target transgender people for discrimination.
Miami New Times (FL): Under Miami’s Alex Acosta, Labor Department may roll back transgender protections.
Daily Beast: U.S. Army intelligence parrots the racist right’s false talking points about antifascists.
New York Times: FBI arrests white nationalist leader who fled the country for Central America.
Times Ledger (Queens, NY): Alleged Proud Boys member from Jackson Heights turns himself in following NYC attack.
Guardian: Stone Mountain: Is it time for the biggest Confederate monument of them all to come down?
Washington Post: ‘I thought it was very nice’: VA official showcased portrait of KKK’s first grand wizard.
Media Matters: Facebook page running antisemitic ads for Florida gubernatorial race has links to major GOP ad agency.
Oregonian: Judge considers death penalty for Jeremy Christian in Portland MAX stabbings.
The Hill: Nashville gay bars receive pro-Trump fliers with image of an assault rifle.
Think Progress: Airbnb announces booking policy change to head off outcry over persistent discrimination.
Slate: Here’s what happens when you call the New York Times’ satirical ‘hotline for racists.’
Pacific Standard: Why is milk being called a white supremacist symbol?