Why white nationalists love Trump; Spencer outlines post-election plans; Oath Keepers say no intimidation planned; and more.
PBS Newshour: Why white nationalists hear a political ally in Donald Trump.
Mother Jones: Alt-Right godfather Richard Spencer has big plans for white nationalism after the election.
Talking Points Memo: Bannon reveals Trump campaign’s strategy of ‘voter suppression’ aimed at Democrats.
Huffington Post: Oath Keepers founder says ‘undercover’ poll-watching effort won’t intimidate voters.
Media Matters: Fox News contributor Jeffress to headline anti-LGBT hate-group conference on sexuality.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Fear of the dead is just one of the many fringe ideas fueling Georgia mosque debate.
ABC News: On the campaign trail with ex-KKK leader David Duke in Louisiana.
Salon: Meet Kris Kobach, the anti-immigration zealot who stirs up racist turmoil wherever he goes.
Minnesota Public Radio: As anti-Muslim speakers make the round, line between free speech and hate speech becomes blurred.
Times Union (Albany, NY): Self-described ‘resistance fighter’ spoke of attacking Albany buildings, court papers say.
ABC 30 TV (Fresno, CA): Fresno man convicted of hate crime for beating Sikh man and running him over with car.
Raw Story: Mel Gibson is annoyed that people won’t shut up about his anti-Semitism.
KCRG-TV (Ames, IA): White nationalist ‘heritage’ posters crop up on Iowa State campus.
I24 News: Chairman of American Freedom Party and Trump supporter says ethnically white state will save civilization.