Will Oregon verdict embolden extremists?; White identity politics under Trump; OK lawmaker targets Muslims; and more.
Talking Points Memo: Why extremists may be emboldened by the Bundy brothers’ acquittal in Oregon.
New York Times: Verdict in Oregon draws surprise and questions about racial equity.
The Guardian (UK): How the Oregon acquittals reflect the appeal of white nationalist agitators.
The New Republic: The rise of white identity politics in the age of Donald Trump.
Politico: Trump rally speaker Wayne Allyn Root fantasizes about the deaths of Clinton and her aide.
Miami New Times (FL): Two black dummies lynched next to a Trump sign for Halloween in Kendall.
CNN: Trump campaign manager says supporter at rally who chanted ‘Jew-S-A’ was ‘deplorable.’
Vox: Alex Jones, America’s most famous conspiracy theorist, explained.
Christian Science Monitor: Why one Oklahoma lawmaker is targeting Muslim groups as ‘terrorists.’
Wichita Eagle (KS): GOP mailers warn voters to watch for new ISIS ‘neighbors’ in Kansas.
PennLive (PA): Harrisburg gets ‘luck of the draw’ as neo-Nazi group will rally at Pennsylvania state capitol on Nov. 5.
Windy City Times (Chicago): South Side school opts not to host haunted house depicting Orlando massacre as ‘moral choice’ after all.
The Herald (Rock Hill, SC): NAACP, others outraged that York College is scheduled to host neo-Confederate convention.