• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 10/6/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Fox’s racist Chinatown segment; Boy’s conviction in neo-Nazi dad’s death upheld; Antigovernment ‘Sovereign’ beat 5-week-old girl to death; and more.

Think Progress: Fox News’ stunningly racist Chinatown segment won’t do Donald Trump any favors.

Salon: Ugly white supremacist screeds about ‘race war’ have clearly shaped Trump’s rhetoric about ‘riots.’

Washington Post: A boy killed his abusive neo-Nazi father, and the Supreme Court just let his conviction stand.

WTAE-TV (Pittsburgh, PA): Self-described ‘sovereign citizen’ found guilty of beating his 5-week-old daughter to death.

Talking Points Memo: Why did Indiana State Police raid a voter registration group’s offices?

Kansas City Star: White nationalist groups, seeking young recruits, targets college campuses.

Huffington Post: Sen. Jeff Sessions says Donald Trump is considering policies to make immigrants ‘self-deport.’

Raw Story: University of Alabama probes racist threats by students: ‘I’ll kill you n—– – don’t speak to me wrong.’

NPR: Federal crackdown merely a ‘respite’ for Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, authorities say.

WKYC-TV (Cleveland, OH): Ohio police catch Aryan Brotherhood suspect hiding in a closet.

Daily Kos: Kentucky Republican running for office posts pictures of Obamas as chimpanzees on Facebook.

Right Wing Watch: David Barton’s ‘School of Practical Government’ aims to ‘go out and take over the mountain of government.’

AlterNet: 18 examples of racism in the criminal justice system that ensure minorities make up the majority of prisoners.