• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 10/9/2015

Hatewatch Staff

Bill O’Reilly gets called out; No charges in biker brawl that killed 9; Muslims praying on beach stirs up paranoia; and more.

Media Matters: CAIR representative calls out Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly for ‘old, tired, and really bigoted’ segments.

Right Wing Watch: FRC’s Tony Perkins blames President Obama for Oregon shootings.

Daily Kos: Waco biker brawl outcome the definition of white privilege: 9 dead, 20 wounded, no murder charges, everyone released.

Think Progress: Texas education board member dismisses outrage over textbooks calling slaves ‘workers.’

Raw Story: Storm of paranoia and ethnic hate erupts in Florida town after photo on Facebook shows Muslims praying at beach.

Talking Points Memo: On Twitter, Trump thanks a self-described white supremacist for his support.

Washington Post: On eve of Farrakhan-led ‘Million Man March,’ Capitol Police email raises tensions.