Death penalty for Miller; Trump’s ‘nakedly racist’ deportation plan; Arrest made in threats against black Mizzou students; and more.
Kansas City Star: Frazier Glenn Miller gets the death penalty at end of trial for shooting rampage.
Media Matters: Donald Trump wants to resurrect a ‘nakedly racist’ deportation program, and the media call him out for it.
Think Progress: Police arrest suspect who threatened to shoot every black person at University of Missouri.
International Business Times: At New York’s Ithaca College campus, students host walkout amid charges of systematic racism.
Raw Story: Facebook prankster trolls anti-LGBT bigot bashing Campbell’s Soup ad with same-sex family.
Daily Kos: New research says elections reduce the numbers of black and Latino judges, hurt racial diversity.
Right Wing Watch: Phyllis Schlafly teams up with Alex Jones, urges people not to blame America for slavery.
New Civil Rights Movement: Utah state judge orders child removed from home because parents are gay.