• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2017

Hatewatch Staff


How, where, and why hate is back in America; Hannity now top conspiracy theorist; Guandolo says mosques don’t deserve same rights; and more.

Yahoo News: Hate in America: Where it comes from, and why it’s back.

Vox: Sean Hannity has become the media’s top conspiracy theorist.

Quartz: A conspiracy theory about sex and gender is being peddled around the world by the far right.

Stanford Daily (CA): Majority of audience walks out of Robert Spencer’s Islamophobic talk on campus.

Right Wing Watch: John Guandolo tells members of Congress that U.S. mosques shouldn’t be ‘afforded the same legal rights’ as churches.

The Atlantic: The Muslim overpopulation myth that won’t die.

FirstPost: Hate crimes against South Asians rise in the U.S., community members say data confirms their ‘uneasy feelings.’

Mashable: Twitter bans alt-right troll Baked Alaska for violating ‘hateful conduct policy.’

Raw Story: Internet celebrates after alt-right figures lose their Twitter verification marks.

New Hampshire Public Radio: N.H. white nationalist Cantwell remains active with podcast from Virginia jail.

Oregonian: Lawyer for accused Portland train killer Jeremy Christian hints at possible mental-health defense.

The Tab: Student who exposed Virginia Tech white supremacist speaks out about threats that followed.

Phoenix New Times (AZ): Confederate memorial vandal confesses he did it ‘for God and country and Arizona.’

Seattle Times: A Washington county that went for Trump is shaken as immigrant neighbors start disappearing.