Neo-Nazis create a national training network; Proud Boys cash out with Amazon; Judge blocks Trump’s ban on asylum seekers at border; and more.
Vice: Neo-Nazis are organizing secret paramilitary trainings across America.
ProPublica: An Atomwaffen member sketched a map to take the neo-Nazis down; what path officials took is a mystery.
Right Wing Watch: The Proud Boys cash out with Amazon Pay.
Washington Post: In blow to Trump’s immigration agenda, judge blocks asylum ban for migrants coming via Mexico.
Los Angeles Times: Just north of the border, longtime militiamen keep an eye out for migrant crossers.
Talking Points Memo: Photos surface of GOP Sen. Hyde-Smith wearing a Confederate hat.
Media Matters: Tucker Carlson is a hero on a number of white supremacist podcasts.
NPR: Free speech or hate speech: When does online hate speech become a real threat?
Salon: A racial justice group got death threats after being targeted by Facebook’s secret smear campaign.
WENY-TV (Watkins Glen, NY): What we don’t get about the radical right.
Dallas Observer (TX): White supremacist group plastering North Texas communities with fliers.
Mother Jones: The Trump official who failed to reunify dozens of separated children is getting a new role.
Raw Story: Philly police corporal and officers accused of antisemitism after discovery of Nazi symbols on locker.
Think Progress: Thirty years later, Portland finally memorializes the victim of a white supremacist killing.
Corvallis Advocate (OR): Local voters approve new powers for number of Oregon’s rural sheriffs.
Seattle Times: Hate crime committed against gay man from Cameroon after his private photos were posted online.
The State (Columbia, SC): Despite Dred Scott claim, Columbia sovereign citizen convicted in debt scam.
CNN: South Africa’s Suidlanders are preparing for a race war, and they see Trump as their ‘ray of hope.’