Oregon militants remove fencing; Trump’s white supremacist support exposed; Duke defends Maine’s Gov. LePage; and more.
Oregon Public Broadcasting: Militants removing refuge fencing intended to manage game, feds protest.
Oregonian: Oregon occupation was planned for months by Ammon Bundy and Montana militia leader.
Think Progress: How the Bundy standoff could wind up screwing over ranchers.
Access ADL: Ten key mistakes made by the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupiers.
Media Matters: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow examines depth of white-supremacist support for Donald Trump.
Talking Points Memo: David Duke defends Maine Gov. LePage, says it’s not white men who are defiling white women.
Right Wing Watch: Ben Carson opines that ‘abnormal’ LGBT people shouldn’t get ‘extra rights.’
Reuters: White 19-year-old pleads guilty to threatening to gun down black students on Missouri campus.
Raw Story: KKK leader who murdered black girl with a crossbow wants out of prison after finding God.