Roof hears from victims’ families; Idaho bill would charge women with murder for abortions; Sessions’ real KKK-fighting past; and more.
CNN: U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) points to Democrat’s ‘war on whites’ behind criticism of Jeff Sessions
Post and Courier (Charleston, SC): Dylann Roof hears from victims’ families, pastor, before receiving formal death sentence.
Idaho Statesman (Boise): Idaho lawmaker would charge women who have abortions and their doctors with murder.
Salon: Kamala Harris was the only senator to grill DHS nominee Kelly on his radical immigration plans.
Think Progress: Jeff Sessions did not bankrupt the Alabama KKK, but he is taking credit for it anyway.
The Atlantic: A closer look at Sessions’ record in the Donald lynching case reveals his role was not so clear-cut.
Talking Points Memo: GOP congressman says ‘war on whites’ partly to blame for criticism of Sessions at hearing.
Los Angeles Times: Opponents of legal immigration hope their extensive ties to Sessions will influence Trump.
Washington Post: Maryland school officials denounce petition that spoke of a ‘supreme White race.’
Right Wing Watch: ‘Visionary’ religious right activist Mike Farris takes over Alliance Defending Freedom.
Mother Jones: ‘Hi, I’m Bonnie, and I’m a racist’: Racists Anonymous helps people admit they have a problem.