Border Patrol’s use of tear gas an ill omen; High court poised to reverse LGBT rights; How Trump picked up a meme from 4chan on Twitter; and more.
Huffington Post: Border Patrol’s use of tear gas on civilians is a grim warning about America’s future.
Think Progress: With six key upcoming cases, Supreme Court is poised to drastically reverse LGBT equality.
Law and Crime: Legal Twitter had a field day after Jerome Corsi hired Larry Klayman as his new lawyer to take on Mueller.
Right Wing Watch: Trump administration officials ‘deputized’ by Dominionists at election-themed prayer event.
Media Matters: Mapping the meme: How a viral image went from 4chan and QAnon supporters to Trump’s Twitter.
Wonkette: Super smart Proud Boys accidentally reveal their secret identities to literally everyone.
CNN: Protecting Nazi speech doesn’t protect free speech for everyone – rather the opposite.
OC Weekly (CA): Police find Nazi regalia, stockpile of assault rifles after arresting Huntington Beach man.
Talking Points Memo: Texas county GOP leaders want to oust vice chairman because he’s Muslim.
The Chief Leader: ICE union members, angry over mismanagement, still feeling chilly toward new director.
Right Wing Watch: Children were tear-gassed, but David Clarke is mainly concerned about the ‘propaganda war.’
The Tufts Daily (Medford, MA): ‘Dark money’ donors to university fund discriminatory, discredited scholarship.
Detroit Free Press (MI): Lawsuit claims Michigan law enforcement exam discriminates against blacks.
Raw Story: Daughter of former KKK Grand Dragon explains the connection between white nationalism and economic hardship.
WTOC-TV (Savannah, GA): Two defendants linked to white supremacist gang granted bond.
CNN: A black woman wore a Confederate flag to vote, then she laid it on a civil rights leader’s grave.
Washington Post Magazine: The Confederacy was built on slavery. How can so many Southern whites still believe otherwise?