• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 11/30/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Vote-suppressing judge’s appointment falls shy; GOP offended by its racists being called out; Tucker Carlson is neo-Nazi site’s favorite pundit; and more.

New York Times: Senator Tim Scott sinks Thomas Farr’s judicial nomination amid racial controversy.

Think Progress: GOP leaders are very offended that their racist politicians are being called racists.

Washington Post: The daily use of Gab is climbing. Which talker might become as violent as the Pittsburgh gunman?

ADL: Mainstreaming hate: How the anti-immigrant movement spread in the United States.

BuzzFeed: Data shows Tucker Carlson is the Daily Stormer’s favorite pundit, and it isn’t even close.

Media Matters: Ann Coulter went on Fox News and called for migrants to be shot, but their headline calls it ‘tough talk.’

Vanity Fair: ‘They say we’re white supremacists’: Inside the strange world of conservative college women.

CNN: Jewish professor finds swastikas spray-painted on her office walls at Columbia’s Teachers College.

The Hawk (St. Joseph’s University, PA): Racial slur left on students’ dorm room door.

Oregonian: Oregon State student with white nationalist ties is convicted of hate crime.

Reveal News: No one on the inside can talk about what’s happening at the Texas tent city for migrant kids.

Kansas City Star (MO): Confederate ‘soldier’ in Christmas parade tells kids: ‘I got bullets. Who wants bullets?’

ProPublica: What happened when a cop decided not to shoot the black man with the gun.

Right Wing Watch: John Guandolo says the attorney general and DOJ should have prevented Muslims’ election to Congress.

Phoenix New Times (AZ): Arizona GOP group hosts conspiracy theorist who warns of ‘creeping Sharia.’

East Bay Times (CA): Man suspected of vandalizing Antioch with swastikas is arrested following tips.

Daily Beast: Museums use ‘Nazi tactics’ to keep possession of art stolen by the Third Reich.

TenDaily (Australia): MP urges investigation into ‘Lads Society,’ a Sydney fight club that’s the ‘neo-Nazis next door.’