Bundy takeover costs mounting daily; March organizer fatally shot by fellow “patriot”; Theater shooter credited Dylann Roof; and more.
Think Progress: The daily cost of the Bundy occupation keeps mounting for Harney County residents, U.S. taxpayers.
TPM Livewire: Meet the sovereign citizen ‘judge’ who has linked up with the Oregon standoff.
Oregonian: Harney County won’t allow community meeting with Bundy faction to occur at county-owned site.
KCET-TV (Burbank, CA): The Bundys have a vision for the West, and you’re not included in it.
TPM Muckraker: See inside the Oregon compound with the Bundy militia’s new tech man.
Raw Story: Anti-Obama march organizer fatally shoots right-wing militant buddy in drunken dispute over gun.
ATTN: Racist trolls are gaming the media for attention, and for personal gain.
Media Matters: Cut from Fox News’ GOP debate, Rand Paul turns to Alex Jones for help.
Associated Press: Louisiana theater shooter left a journal thanking Charleston gunman Roof for inspiring him to target liberals.