• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 11/6/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Hate groups recruit gamers in chat spaces; Infowars videos, fans still live on Facebook; Military concerned about militia groups on border; and more.

NPR: Right-wing hate groups are recruiting young video gamers through online chat spaces.

Washington Post: Alex Jones may be ‘banned’ from Facebook, but his videos are still there, and so are his followers.

Huffington Post: Armed militia groups’ growing presence on the border raises concerns among military experts.

CNN: Fox and NBC finally stop running Trump’s racist immigration ad after it was viewed by millions.

Newsweek: Trump’s rhetoric is a ‘bullhorn’ encouraging far-right violence, former skinhead warns.

Rolling Stone: Florida yoga studio shooter is the latest in a string of violence by incels.

Salon: How far-right conspiracy theories about ‘cultural Marxism’ fueled the Pittsburgh massacre.

USA Today: Gab is back online after site went dark for hate speech linked to Pittsburgh shooting.

Media Matters: After Florida misogynistic killings, online incels call shooter ‘legend’ and complain he ‘only killed two.’

Oregonian: Patriot Prayer page threat against Muslim group prompts police investigation.

Raw Story: Georgia militiamen vow to ‘defend our state’ from ‘gun grabbing, socialist beeotch’ Stacey Abrams.

Right Wing Watch: Neo-Nazi robocalls based in Idaho target Abrams with nakedly racist campaign in Georgia.

News & Observer (Charlotte, NC): North Carolina judge’s son accused of burning cross, threatening Cary synagogue.

Motherboard: Misogynist gamers excited to learn they can kill suffragettes in new ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’.

New York Times: Tracing a meme from the Internet’s fringes to the mainstream Republican Party.

NBC News: Extremist anti-immigrant group makes donations to six Republican candidates.

Think Progress: GOP Florida congressman regularly appears with, and takes money from, fringe Islamophobes.

Mother Jones: Will Ryan Bundy accidentally help elect a Democratic governor in Nevada?