Oath Keepers fear ‘false flags,’ IEDs; Trump campaigns with Nugent; Arpaio’s polling station vow raises fears; and more.
Right Wing Watch: Oath Keepers prepare for post-election ‘false flags,’ Black Lives Matter IED attacks.
Media Matters: Trump campaigns with Ted Nugent, noted racist who called for Hillary Clinton to be hanged.
Highline: My journey to the center of the alt-right.
The Guardian (UK): Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s vow to station deputies at polling stations raises fears of voter intimidation.
PennLive: Neo-Nazis outnumbered by counter-protesters at white-nationalist rally before Pennsylvania Capitol.
Talking Points Memo: Cliven Bundy sues Democratic House candidate for defamation over ad linking him to Millers.
Huffington Post: Lawyers blame alt-right media stories for client’s death threats against Southern California Muslims.
Colorlines: Hundreds of videos showing transphobic violence are uploaded and circulated as entertainment.
The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC): Hundreds summoned to court as lawyers seek 12 people to act as Dylann Roof’s jurors.
Think Progress: How a massive Christian organization systematically sheds staffers who reveal sympathies for LGBT rights.
Queerty: Anti-LGBT hate-group law firm that represented Kim Davis cooks up dozens of antigay measures for state legislatures.
Yes Magazine: After century of decline, black farmers are back and are on the rise in rural America.
Jacobin: How the alt-right Breitbart News rose on the darkest of money to hijack the conservative media, with the help of a few liberals.
WVIR-TV (Charlottesville, VA): Protesters gather outside sheriff’s seminar featuring anti-Muslim speakers.
Raw Story: ‘N—— go home,’ white mob chants as it confronts Black Lives Matter protest in wake of Chicago man’s death.
Salon: The protests at Standing Rock, ND, are not only about environmentalism, they’re about racism.